Formation of habitable planets in the system hd 141399

B. Loibnegger,R. Dvorak


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The presented work investigates the possible formation of terrestrial planets in the exoplanetary system HD 141399 from the dynamical point of view. This system harbors four Jupiter-sized gas giants at distances between 0.4 au and 4.9 au from the star. The region between planets c (a = 0.7 au) and d (a = 2.1 au) covers the so called habitable zone (HZ). Extensive n-body integrations of small bodies in the HZ with different initial conditions are performed in order to investigate the orbit of a possible Earthlike planet. We observe that the regions where the planets form are connected to mean motion resonances (MMR). So far, it was not possible to observe an Earth-like planet in the system of HD 141399 but from our results we can conclude that the formation of terrestrial planets in the HZ would have been possible. Introduction: Our Solar System is the most prominent system known where terrestrial planets reside inside the orbits of gas giants in the so called habitable zone (HZ). This zone was proposed by [1] and later revised by e.g., [2] and describes the region around a star where water can exist in liquid form on an Earth-like planet orbiting the star. In our work we concentrate on systems with more than one gas giant of which several ones are known (see for more information). Of special interest to us seems the recently discovered four-planet system HD
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