Typology of cities WP 2 Deliverable 2 . 2 Report created by TUWIEN team


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Report abstract – Typology of cities (D2.2) Main aim of report City profiles will reveal the specific opportunities and threats that will confront cities on their innovation journey towards an energy-efficient development. Deliverable 2.2 analyses city performance on certain key aspects in a European perspective and in comparison. This typology allows for benchmarking and an easy identification of comparable cities in order to look for best practices and to gain some input for WP3-5 of the PLEEC project. Main findings/conclusions • The typology of European cities shows up with three big clusters (comprising 16-25 cities) arranged along three axes across Europe: o a first axis runs down from Scandinavia in the North to the South of France o a second one forms a northeast curve leading to the southwest of Europe o a third axis running from the West to the East of Europe • The other three clusters of the typology are smaller ones (consisting of 3-7 cities) and are situated in the heart of Europe as well as in the outermost East • Stoke-on-Trent as well as Santiago de Compostela go in the same cluster (no. 5); Turku, Jyväskylä and Eskilstuna perform similar (cluster 6); Tartu is situated in another cluster (no. 3) • To conduct a specific energy efficiency cluster analysis, a common data base of sufficient indicators is (still) needed in Europe Activities carried out including methodology used • Multiple correspondence analysis along 6 Smart City key fields for 77 European cities resulting in a typology of cities • Guidelines for cities how to use typology Introduction PLEEC project Energy efficiency is high on the European agenda. One of the goals of the European Union's 20-20-20 plan is to improve energy efficiency by 20% in 2020. However, holistic knowledge about energy efficiency potentials in cities is far from complete. Currently, a variety of individual strategies and approaches by different stakeholders tackling separate key aspects hinders strategic energy efficiency planning. For this reason, the PLEEC project – "Planning for Energy Efficient Cities" – funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme uses an integrative approach to achieve the sustainable, energy–efficient, smart city. By coordinating strategies and combining best practices, PLEEC will develop a general model for energy efficiency and sustainable city planning. By connecting scientific excellence and innovative enterprises in the energy sector with ambitious and well-organized cities, the project aims to reduce energy use in Europe in …
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