Evaluation of action anti ophidian of the specioside isolated of Tabebuia aurea in mice injected with Bothrops moojeni venom


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The Bothrops snakes are responsible for nearly 90% of snake bites in South America. Tabebuia aurea is currently utilized to minimize local reactions and its hydroethanol extract showed anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antimyotoxic activities against the venom of Bothrops neuwiedi. Thus, the major compound of this species, Specioside, was isolated and its antiophidic potential evaluated in mice treated with the venom of Bothrops moojeni (VBm). To determine the hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities, Swiss male mice, 18-30g, were divided in groups as follows: VBm, Esp, preincubated mixture VBm:Esp (1: 100) and Esp after injection of VBm (VBM / Esp, 1: 100 ). Results (mean ± S.E.M., ANOVA, Bonferroni test, p <0.05) showed that treatment with Esp, VBm:Esp VBm and/ Esp reduced hemoglobin concentration and release of creatine kinase induced by VBm. Histopathological analysis of gastrocnemius muscle of animals treated with Esp showed preserved fibers, absence of hemorrhage and reduced leukocyte infiltration. In conclusion, Esp has potential antiophidic activity and can be a complementary alternative to the antivenom in cases of snake poisoning. Palavras-chave: Tabebuia aurea, picada de cobra; fitoterápico. PECIBES, 2017, 2, 49-53 | 49 Perspectivas Experimentais e Clínicas, Inovações Biomédicas e Educação em Saúde Moslaves ISB et al. 2017
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