Status of Small Dense LDL in Fasting and Nonfasting Lipidemia in Coronary Heart Disease


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LDL consists of heterogeneous spectrum of particles with highly variable atherogenic potential i.e. small dense LDL. The atherogenicity of sdLDL is due to its high oxidizability, owing to low cholesterol and high PUFA and Apo B content. Since, small dense LDL whose half life is more than LDL-C in plasma, is coming up as new marker for CHD diagnosis. Hence, we aimed our study to know the status of sdLDL along with other lipid parameters in nonfasting condition.The present study comprised of fifty clinically diagnosed cases of CHD admitted in ICU of of hospital and fifty age and sex matched healthy individuals were considered as control subjects. Their fasting and nonfasting samples were analysed for lipid profile. There was a significant change in all the lipid parameters in nonfasting condition but small dense LDL varied minimally.On account of the small variation in the levels of sdLDL in fasting and nonfasting state, compared to the other lipid parameters which show greater variability in both states, this small dense LDL can be a better marker for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease INTRODUCTION “Life has its particle of risk--and in the bloodstream, some particles are riskier than others. Researchers reported that the littlest LDLs are the worst of all.” By now, every sentient middle-aged adult has heard about "bad" and "good" cholesterol. But cholesterol is cholesterol; whether it's bad or good depends on how it's packaged. The low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) that transport cholesterol Impact Factor 1.1147
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