Cross cultural adaptation of Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale to the brazilian reality *


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Objective: To accomplish the cultural adaptation of Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale (CL-FODS). Methods: This is a methodological and descriptive study. The Fear of Death Scale was originally developed in the United States and validated in different cultural contexts. The original version of the CL-fods is composed of 28 items grouped into four dimensions. This scale is designed to evaluate the fear of death and dying. Results: To get the first version was held its translation into Portuguese separately by three experts in English. The first version was submitted to the body of five judges for the “Assessment of Equivalence Semantics and Idiomatic” from which it obtained the second version, which was submitted to the second five panel of judges for the “Evaluation of Conceptual Equivalence and Cultural” (third version). Following developed the Focus Group, in which the CL-FODS was analyzed by community representatives of both genders, different age groups and levels of education, establishing the fourth version, which was submitted to back-translation and sent to author of the original version of the scale. After the suggested by him, reached to the final version of CL-FODS. Conclusion: According to the developed methodological steps, it is considered this instrument properly adapted to the Brazilian culture. Descriptors: Translation, Transcultural Adaptation, Death, Die. * This research was not funded. We declare no conflict of interest. 1 Master in Bioethics from the University of Sapucaí Valley. Professor at the Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos. Email: 2 Master of Science from the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo. Post-Graduated by the Nursing School of the Fluminense Federal University. Email: 3 Post-Doctor in Psychogeriatrics from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Professor at the Federal University of Bahia and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Courses in Thanatology and Palliative Care at the Santa Cecília University / Pinus Longaeva Institute of Health and Education. Email: 4 Post-Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Full Professor at the Sapucaí Valley University. Email: 5 Nurse. PhD student and Master in Health Sciences from the State University of Campinas. Email:
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