Measuring the Effect of R-Peak Perturbations caused by Corruption using Heart Rate Complexity Metrics


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Heart rate complexity (HRC) is a proven metric for gaining insight into human stress and physiological deterioration. To calculate HRC, the detection of the exact instance of when the heart beats, the R-peak, is necessary. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals can often be corrupted by environmental noise (e.g., from electromagnetic interference, movement artifacts), which can potentially alter the HRC measurement, producing erroneous inputs which feed into complex decision models. Current literature has only investigated how HRC is affected by noise when R-peak detection errors occur (false positives and false negatives). However, the numerical methods used to calculate HRC are also sensitive to the specific location of the fiducial point of the R-peak. This raises many questions regarding how this fiducial point is altered by noise, the resulting impact on the measured HRC, and how we can account for noisy HRC measures as inputs into our decision models. This work uses Monte Carlo simulations to systematically add white and pink noise at different permutations of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), time segments and HRC measurements to characteristize the influence of noise on the HRC measure by altering the fiducial point of the Rpeak. Using the generated information from these simulations provides improved decision processes for system design which address key concerns such as permutation entropy being a more precise, reliable, less biased, and more sensitive measurement for HRC than sample and approximate entropy.
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