Mats Blomberg,Rolf Carlson,Kjell Elenius, Bjarn Granstrdm, Sheri Hunnicatt, Roger Lindell, Lennart Neovius


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THE DEMONSTRATOR APPLICATION, WAXHOLM We intend to build a generic system where speech synthesis and speech recognition can be studied in a man-machine dialogue framework. In addition, the system should facilitate the collection of speech and text data that are required for the development of the system. The demonstator application, that we call WA)GIOLM, gives information on boat taffic in the Stockholm archipelago (see Figure l). Besides the speech recognition and synthesis components, the system will handle graphic information such as pictures, maps, charts and time-tables. The standardised query language (SQL) is used to access the database, which contains boat schedules, port locations and other information about the Stockholm archipelago. The application has great similarities to the ATIS domain within the DARPA community and other similar tasks in Europe. The possibility to expand the task in many directions is an advantage for future research on interactive dialogue systems. An initial version of the system based on text input has been running since September 1992. The speech recognition component will handle continuous speech with a vocabulary ofabout 1000 words.
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