Genotyping of Georgian isolates of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria spp


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strongly affect the taxonomically complex insect pathogens of Hypocreales. Molecular data and phylogenetic reconstructions are being used to develop community-driven, consensus-based proposals for conservation and rejection of generic names for the affected fungi. These efforts seek to stabilize generic concepts around well supported monophyletic clades while minimizing disruption to the diverse research and user communities dealing with these fungi. Inevitably, some widely studied genera will be synonomized, and their names will no longer be available except in a descriptive manner (e.g., hirsutelloid morphology rather than Hirsutella). Proposals for Ophiocordycipitaceae and some taxa in Clavicipitaceae (notably Metarhizium and closely related genera) are now available. The current draft proposal for genera of Cordycipitaceae is presented here. Despite the substantial effort involved in generating the lists presented here, real challenges in resolving some relationships remain; future studies can be expected to justify the recognition of still more segregate genera than are now listed in the proposals. The senior author will continue to update the SIP membership about relevant changes at future SIP meetings and the ARSEF collection’s website (
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