Enhancing the Efficiency of Routing Protocols in VANETS by defending Dos Attacks using BF-IPCM


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Pavan Kumar Pagadala, Research Scholar Computer Science and Engineering Anna University, Tamilnadu,India pavankumarpagadala@gmail.com Dr. N.M Saravana Kumar, Professor & HOD Computer Science and Engineering Vivekanadha College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India saravanakumaar2008@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------Routing in VANETs (pure ad hoc architectures) with dynamic nature of the network becomes a challenging task for finding and maintaining routes. So, detecting the misbehaving vehicles is an important task in for improving the efficiency of the vehicles and to incorporate the reliable and secure routing in the transport system. Due to the self -configure (mobility) characteristic of the VANETS, it is very difficult to the road side and base station units to keep track of the actions happening among the vehicles. Obviously the attackers will have the fraudulent nature that same will persist over time with them that will be effected to the normal vehicles which is travelling in the network from the non trustworthy vehicles. So detection and proper action is needed to improve the efficient routing of the vehicles in the network. Earlier we have many techniques for detecting and preventing the misbehaving vehicles depending upon the threshold values, mobility factors, power ratios etc., now we are proposing a new technique called Bloom-Filter based IP Choke Mechanism for locating the harmful vehicle. In this paper we will discuss about the proposed technique on how to identify the malicious vehicle and how to defend the attacked vehicle by blocking it form the routing process.
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