Hematological , parasitological and biochemical parameters of sheep 1 during peripartum 2 3 To appear in : 4 Rev

Caroline M G David,Ricardo L D Costa, Guadalupe A E Parren, Miguel A S Rua, Ellen C P Nordi,Cláudia C P Paz,Celia R Quirino, Rogério S Figueiredo, Elizabeth, Bohland


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40 In all species, pregnancy requires special care and attention. The parameters that are adopted for 41 physiological and parasitological knowledge in healthy non-pregnant females are most often 42 misinterpreted in pregnant females. Prior knowledge of these parameters is essential in order to 43 properly diagnose and provide care to the needs of animals in different periods. The objective of 44 this study was to characterize the hematological, biochemical and parasitological values within the 45 peripartum period of Santa Inês sheep in different stages of pregnancy. 45 ewes were used, with 46 average body weight of 50 kg, all accounted for collection of samples during pregnancy, birth and 47 lactation, comprising of weight, body condition score, evaluation of conjunctive staining, and 48 collection of blood and feces. All variables demonstrated variations along with the changing of 49 physiological status. The weight and body condition score (BCS), demonstrated statistical 50 difference between periods, (p>0.05). The fecal egg counts (FEC) had higher averages in the 51 peripartum period, with predominance of Haemonchus ssp, 92.85%. The mean hematological and 52 biochemical values varied throughout the study, (p>0.05). In conclusion, it is recommended to 53 consider the influence of peripartum on the parameters studied and its use as a reference value. 54 Regarding the physiological variations observed during peripartum, proper animal management 55 could help minimizing the negative effects of parasitic infections on animal production. 56
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