A pr 2 00 3 Antiferromagnetic ordering in the Kondo lattice system Yb 2 Fe 3 Si


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Compounds belonging to the R2Fe3Si5 series exhibit unusual superconducting and magnetic properties. Although a number of studies have been made on the first reentrant antiferromagnet superconductor Tm2Fe3Si5, the physical properties of Yb2Fe3Si5 are largely unexplored. In this work, we attempt to provide a comprehensive study of bulk properties such as, resistivity, susceptibility and heat-capacity of a well characterized polycrystalline Yb2Fe3Si5. Our measurements indicate that Yb moments order antiferromagnetically below 1.7 K. Moreover, the system behaves as a Kondo lattice with large Sommerfeld coefficient (γ) of 0.5 J/Yb mol K at 0.3 K, which is well below TN . The absence of superconductivity in Yb2Fe3Si5 down to 0.3 K at ambient pressure is attributed to the presence of the Kondo effect. Ms number PACS number: 72.10.Fk, 72.15.Qm, 75.20.Hr, 75.30.Mb
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