Mechanikai érzékelő nélküli kalickás indukciós motor kettős mezőorientációs szabályozásának implementációja implementation of the double field‐oriented control structure for sensorless cage induction motor


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The paper presents a mechanical sensorless vector control system for cage induction motor with double field orientation with focus on the rotor parameter independence regarding both the computation of the control variables and the speed identification procedure. The induction motor is fed by a voltage controlled pulse-width-modulated voltage-source IGBT inverter. The reference rotor speed is generated by a torque controller in the feedback of the active control loop, as a consequence the rotorparameter dependence is eliminated in the feedback loop. The same aim is followed by the applied direct field-orientation procedure, based on the integration of the stator-voltage equation, avoiding the slip compensation in the identification of the orientation-flux position angle. The rotor-parameter independence in the computation of the control variables is realized by the double field-orientation procedure. The practical implementation was performed on an experimental rig controlled by a dSPACE DS1104 controller card.
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