Influence Of Children’s Cognitive Abilities on Pre-Primary Learner’s Acquisition of Science Skills in Tharaka North Sub-County


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As Kenya gears up to attain vision 2030, Education for All goals, and MDGs, ECDE has been recognized as essential programs of helping the country realize its goals.The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of learners cognitive abilities on children’s acquisition of science skills in pre-primary schools in Tharaka North SubCounty, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. This study was based on Social Cognitive Theory. This study utilized a mixed methodology entailing qualitative and quantitative. The target population in this study was 1780 subjects comprising 95 early childhood teachers, 95 head teachers and 1590 pre-school children. Using stratified random sampling the researcher selected 10 teachers from the zones accounting for 10% representation of the target population making a total of ten, the sample of teachers. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires for teachers and head teachers and observation checklist for the children. Piloting of the instruments was carried out in Meru South SubCounty where they were pre-tested to the selected Early Childhood Children. Before data collection, the instruments were administered only once to a sample of 2 teachers and 2 head teachers in two preprimary schools. Cronbach Alpha analysis was computed, to establish the reliability of the instruments, and a coefficient of 0.83 was obtained, and hence the instruments were deemed reliable. As for the content and construct validity of the instruments, the development was done with guidance of the supervisors. The quantitative data was presented in tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically by use of themes derived from the responses. The study established that the pupils cognitive abilities had an influence on the learners ability to acquire science skills. However, it was established that most of the children had below average cognitive ability, and this contributed to low performance in Science activity areas. The researcher recommends that the teachers should be guided on the most effective methods of learner readiness assessment during the joining of the pre-school, and transition to class one. This will help in assessment of their cognitive abilities and thus guide the teachers on how best to teach the child. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: 16-11-2019 Date of Acceptance: 02-12-2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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