Indicators of Dental Status as The Reference Test System the General Adaptation Syndrome


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It is known that the idea of stress as a factor, which characterizes the manifestations of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) of the organism, was formulated by the scientist Hans Selye in 1936 [1,2]. As a result of numerous studies, it was found that under the influence of stress (stress stimulants according to Hans Selye) as negative factors that threaten homeostasis, there is a mobilization response of organs and systems organism at all levels of its organization [35]. The most extensive study of GAS conducted in respect of the cardiovascular system [6-8]. At the same time, objective data on the reference indicators characterizing the condition of the organs of the maxillofacial region in GAS at stressful loads in the world literature is extremely under-lit. This prevents the development and clinical application of medical technologies sanogenetically aimed at normalizing the state of maxillofacial region homeostasis when exposed various stressors-physical, chemical and biological factors at various levels of its morphofunctional organization. Based on this concept, we noticed that the program of training students in higher education includes periodic modular control classes that significantly affect to change the physical and psychosomatic state of students [6,9-12], which requires studying presented problem directly related to GAS (stress). It is known that a long stay in conditions of stress can be the cause of pronounced emotional imbalance and increased anxiety [9]. Specified psychosomatic destabilized status of future young professionals may further affect their effectiveness of the professional activity and the level of socialization in society [13-15].
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