Structured Light 3 D Body Scanner for Back Surface Analysis


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In this paper we present our 3D scanning system for the surface reconstruction of the entire human body. Scan­ ner is based on the structured light fringe profilometry approach and is assembled from only few basic compo­ nents – three projectors and six cameras. These compo­ nents are grouped in three scanning units which can simultaneously illuminate person from all sides and cre­ ate a full 3D body model. On the application side, we propose the analysis of the human torso (back surface) with a goal to assist the detection and assessment of possible spinal deformities or other muscular changes present on the back surface. We proposed a method for the automatic detection of the symmetry curve based on the analysis of local deviations of surface curvatures. Presented results demonstrate that proposed method is comparable with commercial 3D systems.
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