Variability of High-Luminosity Stars

Karen R. Pollard,Charles R. Alcock, Roberta Allsman, David Randall Alves, Timothy Stephen Axelrod,Andrew Cameron Becker, David Paul Bennett,Kem Holland Cook,Kenneth C. Freeman,Kim Ellwood Griest,Matthew J. Lehner, Stuart Lee Marshall,Bruce A. Peterson,Mark Robin Pratt,Peter Joseph Quinn,William J. Sutherland, Austin Bede Tomaney, Dean Welch


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A review of the properties of Type II Cepheids and RV Tauri stars in the Magellanic Clouds is presented. In the behaviour of their light and colour curves, the RV Tauri stars appear to be a direct extension of the Type II Cepheids to longer periods. A single P-L—C relationship describes both the Type II Cepheids and RV Tauri stars in the LMC. The derived high intrinsic magnitudes for the RV Tauri variables supports the proposition that these objects are luminous stars evolving off the AGB. Preliminary analysis of the long time-series MACHO photometry indicates one star (MACHO*05:37:45.0-69:54:16) has an obvious 'period-quadrupled' periodicity, which is supporting evidence for a period-doubling bifurcation transition to chaotic pulsations.
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