
Photoproduction of J = Mesons at HERAH 1 CollaborationAbstractWe

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We present a study of J== meson production in collisions of 26:7 GeV electrons with 820 GeV protons, performed with the H1-detector at the HERA collider at DESY. The J== mesons are detected via their leptonic decays both to electrons and muons. Requiring exactly two particles in the detector, a cross section of (ep ! J==X) = (8:8 2:0 2:2) nb is determined for 30 GeV W p 180 GeV and Q 2 < 4 GeV 2. Using the ux of quasi-real photons with Q 2 < 4 GeV 2 , a total photoproduction cross section of (p ! J==X) = (56 13 14) nb is derived at an average W p = 90 GeV. The distribution of the squared momentum transfer t from the proton to the J== can be tted using an exponential exp (?bjtj) below a jtj of 0:75 GeV 2 yielding a slope parameter of b = (4:7 1:9) GeV ?2 .
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