Above / below ground ecosystems in Dambo ( wetland ) areas in Zambia


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I. Summary English Summary (1 page) This research aimed to investigate soil characteristics, soil insects and microbial communities and their potential changes due to the agricultural development in wetlands (Dambo). The soil samples were collected from cultivated (maize farms and watermelon farms) and uncultivated (native trees and grasslands) sites. Soil pH, EC and moisture was measured in Zambia. Soil insects’ diversity was also investigated at each sampling site by pitfall traps and tullugren systems. This research is still ongoing. I have already applied to the Japanese government for the permission to import some of the sampled soils for further analyses, particularly for soil microbiological data. In future, after collecting soil animal/microbes data, small-scale soil animal/diversity map will be created. There were previous studies investigated the relationships between soil animal research and anthropogenic impact. However, in order to promote specific measures, it is important to develop of spatial information combining GIS data and soil animal diversity data. The Dambo areas are often moist throughout the year and they are very important ecosystems in the sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, this project will enable local agricultural research sectors to evaluate what kind of soil animal/microbial/plant communities are suitable or unsuitable for agricultural development in the Dambo areas in Zambia.
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