
Climate Change and Sustainable Water Resource Management


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Almost all aspects of climatic patterns are affected by rising level of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) and increasing anthropogenic activities. Change in climate is observed and studied by various researchers. In this article, the present and future effects of climate change on precipitation, temperature, flood events and droughts are discussed in the form of case studies. Significant rising trends in observed temperature are found in some parts Ganga basin. Future trends of temperature and precipitation also shows rising trend in entire Ganga basin. Rajasthan, a semi-arid hot zone, receives lesser rainfall and more prone to droughts. Historical and future trends of Standard precipitation index (SPI), which is a drought index, are also discussed in this study. It is seen that, overall there will be less severe droughts based on annual and monsoon months, but Northern and Western part of Rajasthan will be prone to more sever droughts. Rising level of CO2 emission is major contributor to the global warming. To keep the global warming lesser than 2◦C than pre-industrial time, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is only feasible solution. Maintaining the sustainability of the water resources is of prime importance because (i) due to the rising temperature, the available water resources will decline in the long term and (ii) water requirements will increase due to the growing population and economic advancements. This article also discusses the considerations and components of sustainable water resource management highlighting the approaches employed for managing agricultural water which is a major share-holder in the consumption of water resources.
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