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Sabine Binninger, Peter Brüstle


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The survey on family-friendly study organisation in medical schools conducted by the University Hospital in Ulm has identified a need for Sabine Binninger Peter Brüstle improvement in various respects in Freiburg. Due to the specific strucRudolf Korinthenberg ture of medical school and the high amount of mandatory lectures, Irmgard Streitlein-Böhme students with children face serious problems in balancing family life and their studies at the same time. On the other hand, the freer, modular structure of the clinical curriculum in Freiburg has been mainly rated as positive by the interviewees. In order to improve the situation 1 Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Office of the Dean of students with children, the interviewees favour a more flexible curriculum in general as well as an increase in information and advice services offered by the faculty. of Medical Studies, Freiburg, Germany In the first place, the results of the study encourage us to maintain the modular structure in the final two clinical years in Freiburg in view of current curriculum developments. Additionally, we aim to offer targeted support to students with children. Furthermore, a wider range of elearning supported lectures is to help students manage their studies with childcare and family obligations.
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