A New Measurement of B → D ∗ π Branching Fractions CLEO Collaboration

George Brandenburg,Roy Anthony Briere,Y. S. Gao,Dong-Min Kim,Richard M. S. Wilson,Hitoshi Yamamoto,Thomas E. Browder, Fa-gen Li, Yong Li,Javier Leonardo González Rodríguez, Tanja Bergfeld, Bob I. Eisenstein, Jesse Ernst, Gary E. Gladding,George D Gollin,R. M. Hans,Erik D. Johnson, Inga Karliner,Michael A. Marsh,Matthew Palmer,Mats A. Selen,Jesse Thaler, Kasper Edwards,Alain Bellerive, Radoslav Janícek,David Brian Macfarlane, Kevin McLean,P. M. Patel, Ahren Joel Sadoff, Rachid Ammar, P. Baringer,Alice Bean,David Zeke Besson, Don Coppage, Chris Darling,Robert F. Davis, Nigel H. Hancock, Sergey Kotov, I. O. Kravchenko, Nowhan Kwak,Stuart Anderson,Y. Kubota, Mark J. Lattery, Sang Joon Lee,John J. O’Neill, S. Patton,Ron Poling,T. H. Riehle,Victor P. Savinov, A. M. Smith, Mohd. Siraj Alam,S. B. Athar, Zhi Ling,Ahmed Mahmood,Horst Severini, Steven Charles Timm,F. R. Wappler, Anton Anastassov, S. V. Blinov,J. E. Duboscq, K. D. Fisher, Daisuke Fujino, Robert Douglas Fulton,K. K. Gan,Teresa L. Hart,Klaus Honscheid,Harris Kagan,Richard Kass,Jongseok Lee, Michael B. Spencer, Max W. Sung, Alexander Undrus,Rainer Wanke,Andreas Dr. Wolf,M. Zoeller, Babak Nemati,Sj J. Richichi,W. R. Ross,Patrick Skubic, Michael Wood,Mary Bishai, J. E. Fast, Ekkehard K. E. Gerndt, Joseph W. Hinson,Narayanan Menon,David Miller, Eddie Isamu Shibata,Ian Peter Joseph Shipsey, M. Yurko,Lawrence Kent Gibbons,Stuart D. Johnson, Yong Joon Kwon,Stuart Roberts, Edward H. Thorndike,Colin P. Jessop, Karen Lingel, Helmut Marsiske, Martin Lewis Perl,Stephen F. Schaffner, Dennis Wayne Ugolini,Raymond Wang,Xingjiang Zhou,Thomas E. Coan,Vitaliy Fadeyev, I. Ya. Korol’kov,Yurii Maravin, Ilya Narsky, V. G. Shelkov,J. Staeck,Ryszard Stroynowski,Igor Volobouev,Jingbo Ye,Marina Artuso, A. O. Efimov,F. Frasconi, Ming Gao, Mitchell D. Goldberg,Dongfeng He, Sacha Elmer Kopp, Giancarlo Moneti, Raymond Mountain, Sonja L. Schuh,Tomasz Skwarnicki,Sheldon Stone, Gabriel Viehhauser,Xiangjun Xing, John E. Bartelt, S. E. Csorna,Vivek Jain,Sz. Márka, Arne Paul Freyberger, R. Godang,Keisuke Kinoshita, Ivan Chee-Hong Lai, Paweł Pomianowski, Stephen Schrenk,Gianni Bonvicini, David Anthony Cinabro,Richard L. Greene, Lokukaluge Prasad Perera, Guo Zhou, Barry C. Barish, Megha Chadha,Simon Chan, Gerald Eigen,J. S. Miller, Caitlin O’Grady,M. Śchmidtler,Jon Urheim, A. J. R. Weinstein, Frank K. Wuerthwein, D. M. Asner, Daniel Bliss, William S. Brower, G. E. Masek, Hans P. Paar,Vivek Sharma, Jeffrey Gronberg,Theresa Hill, Robert Kenneth Kutschke, D. J. Lange,S. B. Menary,Richard J. S. Morrison, Harry Norman Nelson, Timothy Knight Nelson,Chun Qiao, Jeffrey D. Richman,David A. Roberts,Anders Ryd,Michael S. Witherell,Russell John Balest, Bh H. Behrens,Kilwon Cho,William T. Ford,Harold S. Park, Patricia Rankin, J D Roy, John Grieve Smith,James Alexander, Christopher J. Bebek, Brian Berger, Karl Berkelman, Kenneth J. Bloom,David Cassel, Hokwon A. Cho, Daniel M. Coffman,David S. Crowcroft,Michael Dickson,Persis S. Drell, Karl Matthew Ecklund, Rodney I Ehrlich, Rodolfo Elia,Ad D. Foland, Peter B. Gaidarev, Bernard Gittelman,Susan Walton Gray,Donald Leroy Hartill, Brian K. Heltsley,Pablo I. Hopman, J. Kandaswamy, Nobu Katayama, P. C. Kim, David L. Kreinick, T. K. Lee, Yehan Liu, G. S. Ludwig, Jun Masui, J. Mevissen, Nari B. Mistry, Chuen Rue Ng,Emery Nordberg, Mandy Ogg, J. R. Patterson, Dean E. Peterson, David Riley, Abner Soffer, Christopher P. Ward,Michael Athanas, Paul Avery, Christopher D. Jones, Martin Lohner, Charles Y. Prescott,John Yelton, Jian-zhuang Zheng


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The decays Υ(4S) → BB, followed by B → Dπ and D → Dπ, permit reconstruction of all kinematic quantities that describe the sequence without reconstruction of the D, with reasonably low backgrounds. Using an integrated e+e− luminosity of 3.1 fb accumulated at the Υ(4S) by the CLEO-II detector, we report measurements of B(B 0 →D∗+ π) = (2.81 ± 0.11 ± 0.21 ± 0.05) × 10−3 and B(B−→D∗0 π) = (4.34 ± 0.33 ± 0.34 ± 0.18) × 10−3. SLAC-PUB-9763 hep-ex/9706019 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309, USA Work supported in part by Department of Energy Contract DE-AC03-76SF00515 Submitted to Physical Review Letters G. Brandenburg, R. A. Briere, Y. S. Gao, D. Y.-J. Kim, R. Wilson, H. Yamamoto, T. E. Browder, F. Li, Y. Li, J. L. Rodriguez, T. Bergfeld, B. I. Eisenstein, J. Ernst, G. E. Gladding, G. D. Gollin, R. M. Hans, E. Johnson, I. Karliner, M. A. Marsh, M. Palmer, M. Selen, J. J. Thaler, K. W. Edwards, A. Bellerive, R. Janicek, D. B. MacFarlane, K. W. McLean, P. M. Patel, A. J. Sadoff, R. Ammar, P. Baringer, A. Bean, D. Besson, D. Coppage, C. Darling, R. Davis, N. Hancock, S. Kotov, I. Kravchenko, N. Kwak, S. Anderson, Y. Kubota, M. Lattery, S. J. Lee, J. J. O’Neill, S. Patton, R. Poling, T. Riehle, V. Savinov, A. Smith, M. S. Alam, S. B. Athar, Z. Ling, A. H. Mahmood, H. Severini, S. Timm, F. Wappler, A. Anastassov, S. Blinov, J. E. Duboscq, K. D. Fisher, D. Fujino, R. Fulton, K. K. Gan, T. Hart, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, R. Kass, J. Lee, M. B. Spencer, M. Sung, A. Undrus, R. Wanke, A. Wolf, M. M. Zoeller, B. Nemati, S. J. Richichi, W. R. Ross, P. Skubic, M. Wood, M. Bishai, J. Fast, E. Gerndt, J. W. Hinson, N. Menon, D. H. Miller, E. I. Shibata, I. P. J. Shipsey, M. Yurko, L. Gibbons, S. D. Johnson, Y. Kwon, S. Roberts, E. H. Thorndike, C. P. Jessop, K. Lingel, H. Marsiske, M. L. Perl, S. F. Schaffner, D. Ugolini, R. Wang, X. Zhou, T. E. Coan, V. Fadeyev, I. Korolkov, Y. Maravin, I. Narsky, V. Shelkov, J. Staeck, R. Stroynowski, I. Volobouev, J. Ye, M. Artuso, A. Efimov, F. Frasconi, M. Gao, M. Goldberg, D. He, S. Kopp, G. C. Moneti, R. Mountain, S. Schuh, T. Skwarnicki, S. Stone, G. Viehhauser, X. Xing, J. Bartelt, S. E. Csorna, V. Jain, S. Marka, A. Freyberger, R. Godang, K. Kinoshita, I. C. Lai, P. Pomianowski, S. Schrenk, G. Bonvicini, D. Cinabro, R. Greene, L. P. Perera, G. J. Zhou, B. Barish, M. Chadha, S. Chan, G. Eigen, J. S. Miller, C. O’Grady, M. Schmidtler, J. Urheim, A. J. Weinstein, F. Würthwein, D. M. Asner, D. W. Bliss, W. S. Brower, G. Masek, H. P. Paar, V. Sharma, J. Gronberg, T. S. Hill, R. Kutschke, D. J. Lange, S. Menary, R. J. Morrison, H. N. Nelson, T. K. Nelson, C. Qiao, J. D. Richman, D. Roberts, A. Ryd, M. S. Witherell, R. Balest, B. H. Behrens, K. Cho, W. T. Ford, H. Park, P. Rankin, J. Roy, J. G. Smith, J. P. Alexander, C. Bebek, B. E. Berger, K. Berkelman, K. Bloom, D. G. Cassel, H. A. Cho, D. M. Coffman, D. S. Crowcroft, M. Dickson, P. S. Drell, K. M. Ecklund, R. Ehrlich, R. Elia, A. D. Foland, P. Gaidarev, B. Gittelman, S. W. Gray, D. L. Hartill, B. K. Heltsley, P. I. Hopman, J. Kandaswamy, N. Katayama, P. C. Kim, D. L. Kreinick, T. Lee, Y. Liu, G. S. Ludwig, J. Masui, J. Mevissen, N. B. Mistry, C. R. Ng, E. Nordberg, M. Ogg, J. R. Patterson, D. Peterson, D. Riley, A. Soffer, C. Ward, M. Athanas, P. Avery, C. D. Jones, M. Lohner, C. Prescott, J. Yelton, and J. Zheng Permanent address: BINP, RU-630090 Novosibirsk, Russia. Permanent address: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551. Permanent address: University of Texas, Austin TX 78712
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