Design and Development of a Solar/Electric Powered Hybrid Vehicle with Tilt angle Adjustment

International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(2018)

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This paper explains the design and development of a solar power/electric vehicle with tilt angle adjustment. Here we design a vehicle which is powered by solar and also chargeable with an adapter with AC current. The solar plates are adjustable for tilt. The radiation of the sun varies on earth when the earth rotates it. The maximum power will be delivered by the solar PV cells when it is in normal to the sun. So tilting the angle of the solar collectors to keep it in normal to the sun different mathematical and automatic process is carried out around the globe. Our research implements the mathematical model for calculating tilt angle for the collector nodes starts from the longitude of 74.35 to 93.95, the latitude of 37.05 to 6.75 for collector nodes for India for 12 months of time. The designed vehicle is tested at an different latitude. The results prove that each month the angle of the collectors changes with the latitude respective of each month for absorbing maximum energy.
solar/electric powered hybrid vehicle
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