Frequent Expression Tumor of the c・kit Proto-Oncogenein Canine Malignant Mammary

Kihei KUBO, Satoshi MATSUYAMA, Kumiko KATAYAMA, Chizu TSUTSUMI, Kumiko TeTumasa SHIMADAi, Takee KOTANI, Sadashige SAKUMA, Yasuhiko TAKAMORI Lahf


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,iBsTRAcr. The rnammary tumor is ene ot' the pepular nCop]astic diseascs in female degs. In the present sLudy, the exp[ession ofcftnine ckii proto-onceE,ene in mamrnary tumor specimens was invesligated to evalua{e its petential usefulness as a tumor maTker. By comparing thc homology amvng the nuc]eotide sequenees reported for human, mouse, rat und feline c-kit c-DNA, a pair of primcrs was synthesized for lhe reverse transcriptase-po]ymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR} mcthod, The RT-PCR product uf canine spleem total RNA was shown to have 756 bp in size und te be highly homologous Io thc corresponding sec]uences rcported for the mammalian spccies. The eNpressien
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