Study of the Influence of Preprint in bioRχiv for Peer Review and Acceptance Time of PLOS ONE


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This study uses statistical methods to analyze the differences in peer review periods between the processes of preprint based on authors’ order of posting published papers in a given journal. For this purpose, we developed a web crawler that downloaded metadata from bioRχiv and PLOS ONE. The average publication rate of papers posted in bioRχiv accounts for 40.67% of the total thus far. These papers were published in 1,626 academic journals. The journal that published most of these papers was PLOS ONE. Analysis of Peer Review and Acceptance Time (PRAT) of papers published in journals via preprints revealed the timing of posting papers related to these intervals. The median of PRAT of f < s was 110 days, and the median of PRAT of s < f was 139.50 days. If the date order of publishing a paper is the posted date of the preprint before the date of submission to the journal, the PRAT tends to be shorter than when the date order of publishing a paper is the posted date of the preprint after the date of submission to the journal.
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