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Measurement of the Angular Distribution of Electrons fromW ! e Decays Observed in p p Collisions at ps = 1 : 8

TeVB, . Abbott,M. Abolins,V. Abramov,B. S. Acharya,D. L. Adams,M. Adams,G. A. Alves,N. Amos,E. W. Anderson,M. M. Baarmand,V. V. Babintsev,L. Babukhadia,A. Baden,B. Baldin,P. W. Balm,S. Banerjee,J. Bantly,E. Barberis,P. Baringer,J. F. Bartlett,U. Bassler,A. Bean,M. Begel,A. Belyaev,S. B. Beri,G. Bernardi,I. Bertram,A. Besson,V. A. Bezzubov,P. C. Bhat,V. Bhatnagar,M. Bhattacharjee,G. Blazey,S. Blessing,A. Boehnlein,N. I. Bojko,F. Borcherding,A. Brandt,R. Breedon,G. Briskin,R. Brock,G. Brooijmans,A. Bross,D. Buchholz,M. Buehler,V. Buescher,V. S. Burtovoi,J. M. Butler,F. Canelli,W. Carvalho,D. Casey,Z. Casilum,H. Castilla-Valdez,D. Chakraborty,K. M. Chan,S. V. Chekulaev,D. K. Cho, S. Choi,S. Chopra,J. H. Christenson,M. Chung,D. Claes,A. R. Clark,J. Cochran,L. Coney,B. Connolly,W. E. Cooper,D. Coppage,M. A. C. Cummings,D. Cutts,O. I. Dahl,G. A. Davis,K. Davis,K. De,K. Del Signore,M. Demarteau,R. Demina,P. Demine,D. Denisov,S. P. Denisov,S. Desai,H. T. Diehl,M. Diesburg,G. Di Loreto,S. Doulas,P. Draper,Y. Ducros,L. V. Dudko,S. Duensing,S. R. Dugad,A. Dyshkant,D. Edmunds,J. Ellison,V. D. Elvira,R. Engelmann,S. Eno,G. Eppley,P. Ermolov,O. V. Eroshin,J. Estrada,H. Evans,V. N. Evdokimov,T. Fahland,S. Feher,T. Ferbel,H. E. Fisk,Y. Fisyak,E. Flattum,F. Fleuret,M. Fortner,S. Fuess,E. Gallas,A. N. Galyaev,P. Gartung,V. Gavrilov,R. J. Genik,K. Genser,C. E. Gerber,Y. Gershtein,B. Gibbard,R. Gilmartin,G. Ginther,P. I. Goncharov, J. L. Gonz,H. Gordon,K. Gounder,A. Goussiou,N. Graf,G. Graham,P. D. Grannis,H. Greenlee,S. Grinstein,L. Groer,P. Grudberg,A. Gupta,S. N. Gurzhiev,G. Gutierrez,P. Gutierrez,N. J. Hadley,H. Haggerty,S. Hagopian,V. Hagopian,K. S. Hahn,R. E. Hall,P. Hanlet,S. Hansen,J. M. Hauptman,C. Hays,C. Hebert,D. Hedin,A. P. Heinson,U. Heintz,T. Heuring,R. Hirosky,J. D. Hobbs,B. Hoeneisen,J. S. Hoftun,S. Hou,S. A. Jerger,R. Jesik,K. Johns,M. Johnson,A. Jonckheere,M. Jones, H. J ostlein,A. Juste,S. Kahn,E. Kajfasz,D. Karmanov,D. Karmgard,R. Kehoe,S. K. Kim,B. Klima,C. Klopfenstein,B. Knuteson,J. M. Kohli,A. V. Kostritskiy,J. Kotcher,A. V. Kotwal,A. V. Kozelov,M. R. Krishnaswamy,S. Krzywdzinski,S. Kuleshov,Y. Kulik,S. Kunori,V. E. Kuznetsov,G. Landsberg,F. Lehner,R. Lipton,A. Lucotte,L. Lueking,C. Lundstedt,V. Manankov,H. S. Mao,T. Marshall,K. M. Mauritz,J. McDonald,T. McMahon,H. L. Melanson,X. C. Meng,K. W. Merritt,H. Miettinen,D. Mihalcea,A. Mincer,N. K. Mondal,H. E. Montgomery,R. W. Moore,H. da Motta,E. Nagy,M. Narain


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3 We present the rst measurement of the electron angular distribution parameter 2 in W ! ee events produced in proton-antiproton collisions as a function of the W boson transverse momentum. Our analysis is based on data collected using the DD detector during the 1994{1995 Fermilab Tevatron run. We compare our results with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD, which predicts an angular distribution of (1 1 cos + 2 cos 2), where is the polar angle of the electron in the Collins-Soper frame. In the presence of QCD corrections, the parameters 1 and 2 become functions of p W T , the W boson transverse momentum. This measurement provides a test of next-to-leading order QCD corrections which are a non-negligible contribution to the W boson mass measurement.
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