Rickettsia Spp. and Coxiella burnetii among the Most Frequent Causative Agents of Fever of Intermediate Duration in the North of Spain

Aránzazu Portillo,Marta Fernández,Luis Metola, Valvanera, Ibarra,Mercedes Sanz,José-Ramón Blanco, Concepción, García-García, Estíbaliz Ugalde,José-Antonio Oteo


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The aim was to evaluate the etiologies of Fever of Intermediate Duration(FID) in a prospective study performed at an Infectious Diseases Department in Spain( January 2005-August 2008 and January-July 2010).An infectious cause (62.50% bacteria and 37.50% viruses) was attributed in 77.67% cases, 4.85% were non-infectious cases, and for 17.48% the etiology was unknown. Using immunofluorescence assays (IFA, IgG) and/or PCR targeting 16S rRNA gene and ompA and omp Brickettsial genes followed by sequence analysis, 33 patients (32.04%) showed evidence of spotted fever group Rickettsia infection (Mediterranean spotted fever). IgG antibodies against Coxiella burnetii were detected in 15/103 patients (14.56%) by IFA, and one serum sample showed IgG antibodies against Rickettsia typhi (0.97%). Francisella tularensisspecific antibodies were detected in 1/103 patients (0.97%) using microagglutination test. Based ELISA or chemiluminiscence assays, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and EpsteinBarr virus (EBV)infections were the most frequent viral infections (12.62 and 9.71%, respectively), followed by Erythrovirus B-19 infection in 4/103 patients (3.88%) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) acute infection in 3/103 patients (2.91%), respectively. In conclusion, Rickettsia spp. and C.burnetii were the most important etiological agents of FID. The empirical use of doxycycline could be appropriate since it is effective for most patients.
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