Perceived effect of pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases on academics, college planning, and college adjustment


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Objective:To examine the relationship between perceived effect of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) on high school academics and college planning on college adjustment.Participants:Participants (N = 97) were college students with IBD.Methods:Participants completed an online survey including the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire and study-developed questions assessing the perceived impact of their diagnosis on their high school academics and college planning.Results:Most participants reported average college adjustment across domains, except personal-emotional adjustment with 47% of participants falling within the very low to low ranges. Nearly half reported IBD impacted their choice of college (49%). The impact of IBD on college planning was most consistently associated with domains of college adjustment.Conclusions:IBD severely impacts college planning, decision-making, and adjustment in college-bound youth. Perceiving that having a chronic illness impacts college planning may result in greater difficulty with academic adjustment, attachment to the institution, and social adjustment during college.
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Key words
College adjustment, inflammatory bowel diseases, school functioning
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