Coronavirus: Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention (Preprint)

JMIR Preprints(2020)

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<title>UNSTRUCTURED</title> <p>People from all over the world are plagued by the pandemic coronavirus. The virus, which has already spread from China to other world, has already taken away numerous fresh lives. The number of victims is increasing with the shift. People around the world are already taking precautions against the virus. The busiest world has become almost silent. People are now house bound because of coronas. Spend quality time with your family without listening to rumors, adhering to hygiene: now there is a lot of publicity, propaganda and various rumors flying through the streets. Don't listen to rumors. Spend enough time with family. Live a healthy life, do not stop for routine things such as sleep, timely take meals, exercise at home, eat a balanced and safe diet, drink enough water, sleep on time, exercise lightly and adhere to the recommended hygiene. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs.</p>
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