Land Registry Using Blockchain - A Survey of existing systems and proposing a feasible solution

Disha Shinde, Snehal Padekar,Siddharth Raut, Abdul Wasay, S. S. Sambhare

2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA)(2019)

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Storing sensitive information like property papers needs a secure and untamperable database. Existing centralized systems has numerous drawbacks like performance bottleneck and single point of failure. Hence, a decentralized system with high security is needed. To cater this need, in this paper, we propose blockchain based system for secure storage of property papers. In our system, when a land is bought by a person, the government authority will provide the person with the hard copy of property papers and our system will store the documents into the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), a decentralised database. The IPFS network will generate the hash of document. This hash will be securely stored into the ethereum blockchain after satisfying the conditions of the smart contracts. The smart contracts will validate and verify the documents from the government authorities. This will create a decentralized, tamper-proof ledger from which we can retrieve the stored data easily.
Blockchain,IPFS,Smart Contract,Land Registry
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