Metazoan parasites of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae) of two rivers from the eastern Amazon (Brazil).

Annals of parasitology(2020)

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Plagioscion squamosissimus, commonly known as "white hake" or "corvina", is among the most commercially important fish in the Amazon and host to a great diversity of endoparasites. The aim of the present study was to compare the communities and infracommunities of metazoan parasites that infect P. squamosissimus in two rivers from the eastern Brazilian Amazon. A total of 75 specimens of P. squamosissimus were collected from Lago Grande do Curuái and the mouth of the Tapajós River. Morphological analysis revealed the presence of 16 parasite species, three myxozoans (Myxobolus sp., Ceratomyxa sp., Henneguya sp.), two trematodes (Austrodiplostomum compactum, Digenea gen. sp. (metacercariae), two monogeneans (Diplectanum sp., Euryhaliotrema sp.), three nematodes (Procamallanus (S.) sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoproleptus sp. (larva), two acanthocephalans (Rhadinorhynchus plagioscionis and Neoechinorhynchus sp.), one Cestoda Ptychobothriidae gen. sp. and three crustaceans (Therodamas sp., Ergasilus sp., Dolops sp.). Six new records of parasites of P. squamosissimus were made, of which three were myxozoan species, one nematode species and two crustacean species. There were differences in the component communities of parasites of both rivers studied and these were discussed.
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Key words
sciaenidae,plagioscion squamosissimus,osteichthyes
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