A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications

Leander K. Mitchell, Lin Jiang,R. C. Cohen,K. J. Davis,Riley Duren, Michael Falk, Ayan Guha, A. Karion,Ralph F. Keeling,J. Kim, N. L. Miles, Steven E. Newman, Xiuna Ren, A. L. Rice,Scott Richardson,M. R. Sargent,J. C. Turnbull, K. R. Verhulst, R. F. Weiss,S. C. Wofsy


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Cities are characterized by concentrated and heterogeneous carbon emissions that account for a large fraction of the total anthropogenic source. In recent years, hundreds of city governments in the US have announced greenhouse gas emission reduction plans, but the scientific and technical knowledge to track the progress of these actions is in need of further development. There is therefore a pressing need to understand how much, where, and why a particular city emits carbon across spatial and temporal scales. To address these needs, research groups in several cities have established atmospheric monitoring networks that can be used to study urban carbon emissions and cycling. This now presents an opportunity to develop a collaborative network to exchange information on community standards and common measurements, facilitate data sharing, and create analysis frameworks and cross-city syntheses to …
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