Could halving warming with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering moderate key climate hazards?


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Irvine et al.(2019) demonstrated that if CO 2-driven warming were halved by a reduction in incoming sunlight, there would be a substantial reduction in the overall magnitude of climate change with very few regions experiencing significantly greater change. This result challenged the common notion that some regions would suffer substantial harms under any scenario of solar geoengineering deployment. However, Irvine et al.(2019) evaluated a highly idealized representation of anthropogenic forcing, a doubling of CO 2, and used a reduction in solar constant as a proxy for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. In this study we aim to address these limitations by applying the same analyses employed in Irvine et al.(2019) to a much more realistic scenario of future warming and stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. We use output from the GLENS project which used CESM1-WACCM to simulate a tailored …
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