Comprehensive Decongestive Therapy as a Treatment for Secondary Lymphedema of the Lower Extremity and Quality of Life of Women After Gynecological Cancer Surgery.


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BACKGROUND Lymphedema is a clinical manifestation of lymphatic system failure, caused by an imbalance between the transport capacity of the lymphatic system and the volume of the produced lymph. Lymphedema is complication and significantly worsens quality of life (QoL). MATERIAL AND METHODS There were 50 patients diagnosed with secondary lymphedema of the lower extremities after gynecological cancer followed by radiotherapy included in this study. The average age was 57.76 years (standard deviation±10.08). Patients were treated at the Department of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation, in hospital NsP in Bardejov. During therapy, we applied manual lymphatic drainage, instrumental lymphatic drainage, multilayer bandage, vascular gymnastics (with loaded external compression), hydrotherapy, and patient education on the adjustment necessary for a life-long regimen. The circumference of the limb was measured using the Kuhnkes disk method, QoL was assessed using the LYMQOL LEG questionnaire, and for assessment of pain the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used. RESULTS After treatment, we found a reduction in lymphedema (P<0.001), an increase in QoL (P<0.001), and a reduction in pain (P<0.001). We found a significant relationship between QoL change and pain in the domains of symptoms, function, and overall QoL (P<0.005). The results showed that reduction of lymphedema was not a significant predictor of QoL (P>0.001). CONCLUSIONS We found a positive effect in the treatment of secondary lymphedema of the lower extremity on the QoL of women after uterine cancer surgery, and also found that reduction of lymphedema and age were not predictors of improvement in QoL.
Gynecologic Surgical Procedures,Lymphedema,Quality of Life
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