Process tomography of robust dynamical decoupling with superconducting qubits


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Dynamical decoupling is a technique that protects qubits against noise. The ability to preserve quantum coherence in the presence of noise is essential for developing quantum devices. Here, the Rigetti quantum computing platform was used to test different dynamical decoupling sequences in a single qubit . The performance of the sequences was characterized by quantum process tomography and analyzed using the quantum channels formalism. Pulse imperfections are shown here to limit the performance of dynamical decoupling on the Rigetti’s qubits. However, the performance can be improved using robust dynamical decoupling, i.e., sequences that are robust against experimental imperfections. The sequences tested here outperformed previous dynamical decoupling sequences tested in the same platform.
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Dynamical decoupling, Superconducting qubits, Quantum control, Quantum computing
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