Genomic dissection of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, including 28 subphenotypes

Douglas M Ruderfer,Stephan Ripke,Andrew McQuillin,James Boocock,Eli A Stahl, Jennifer M Whitehead Pavlides,Niamh Mullins,Alexander W Charney,Anil PS Ori,Loes M Olde Loohuis,Enrico Domenici,Arianna Di Florio,Sergi Papiol,Janos L Kalman,Vassily Trubetskoy,Rolf Adolfsson,Ingrid Agartz,Esben Agerbo,Huda Akil,Diego Albani,Margot Albus,Martin Alda,Madeline Alexander,Ney Alliey-Rodriguez,Thomas D Als,Farooq Amin,Adebayo Anjorin,Maria J Arranz,Swapnil Awasthi,Silviu A Bacanu,Judith A Badner,Marie Baekvad-Hansen,Steven Bakker,Gavin Band,Jack D Barchas,Ines Barroso,Nicholas Bass,Michael Bauer,Bernhard T Baune,Martin Begemann,Celine Bellenguez,Richard A Belliveau Jr,Frank Bellivier,Stephan Bender,Judit Bene,Sarah E Bergen,Wade H Berrettini,Elizabeth Bevilacqua,Joanna M Biernacka,Tim B Bigdeli,Donald W Black,Hannah Blackburn,Jenefer M Blackwell,Douglas HR Blackwood,Carsten Bocker Pedersen,Michael Boehnke,Marco Boks,Anders D Borglum,Elvira Bramon,Gerome Breen,Matthew A Brown,Richard Bruggeman,Nancy G Buccola,Randy L Buckner,Monika Budde,Brendan Bulik-Sullivan,Suzannah J Bumpstead,William Bunney,Margit Burmeister,Joseph D Buxbaum,Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm,William Byerley,Wiepke Cahn,Guiqing Cai,Murray J Cairns,Dominique Campion,Rita M Cantor,Vaughan J Carr,Noa Carrera,Juan P Casas,Miquel Casas,Stanley V Catts,Pablo Cervantes,Kimberley D Chambert,Raymond CK Chan,Eric YH Chen, Ronald YL Chen,Wei Cheng,Eric FC Cheung,Siow Ann Chong,Toni-Kim Clarke,C Robert Cloninger,David Cohen,Nadine Cohen,Jonathan RI Coleman,David A Collier,Paul Cormican,William Coryell,Nicholas Craddock,David W Craig,Benedicto Crespo-Facorro,James J Crowley,Cristiana Cruceanu,David Curtis,Piotr M Czerski,Anders M Dale,Mark J Daly,Udo Dannlowski,Ariel Darvasi,Michael Davidson,Kenneth L Davis,Christiaan A de Leeuw,Franziska Degenhardt,Jurgen Del Favero,Lynn E DeLisi,Panos Deloukas,Ditte Demontis,J Raymond DePaulo,Marta Di Forti,Dimitris Dikeos,Timothy Dinan,Srdjan Djurovic,Amanda L Dobbyn,Peter Donnelly,Gary Donohoe,Elodie Drapeau,Serge Dronov,Jubao Duan,Frank Dudbridge,Audrey Duncanson,Howard Edenberg,Sarah Edkins,Hannelore Ehrenreich,Peter Eichhammer,Torbjorn Elvsashagen,Johan Eriksson,Valentina Escott-Price,Tonu Esko,Laurent Essioux,Bruno Etain,Chun Chieh Fan,Kai-How Farh,Martilias S Farrell,Matthew Flickinger,Tatiana M Foroud,Liz Forty,Josef Frank,Lude Franke,Christine Fraser,Robert Freedman


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Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two distinct diagnoses that share symptomology. Understanding the genetic factors contributing to the shared and disorder-specific symptoms will be crucial for improving diagnosis and treatment. In genetic data consisting of 53,555 cases (20,129 bipolar disorder [BD], 33,426 schizophrenia [SCZ]) and 54,065 controls, we identified 114 genome-wide significant loci implicating synaptic and neuronal pathways shared between disorders. Comparing SCZ to BD (23,585 SCZ, 15,270 BD) identified four genomic regions including one with disorder-independent causal variants and potassium ion response genes as contributing to differences in biology between the disorders. Polygenic risk score (PRS) analyses identified several significant correlations within case-only phenotypes including SCZ PRS with psychotic features and age of onset in BD. For the first time, we discover …
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