The Act of Killing and the Modern Trend of “Privatising Public Space.”’

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Cinema Against Doublethink: Ethical Encounters with the Lost Pasts of World History(2019)

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This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book argues that a world of cinemas is engaged in telling the stories of the lost pasts of colonial modernity. For colonial modernity's continuation, rebranding of former divisions to ensure inequality is perpetuated must ensure the repeated re-erasure of the past, the submergence of the many-sided struggle over history which it repeatedly 'wins'. If Gilles Deleuze identified a new political cinema arising with the time-image, it was due to its potential to deterritorialise Eurocentric world history by indicating a multiplicity of views from the Global South on world history. It is in the sense that cinema can be realised to be unthinking doublethink, positioning itself against the obliteration of different perspectives on history to that of the Eurocentric vision of colonial modernity.
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