Advanced dispersion engineering of a III-nitride micro-resonator for a blue frequency comb


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A systematic dispersion engineering approach is presented toward designing a III-nitride micro-resonator for a blue frequency comb. The motivation for this endeavor is to fill the need for compact, coherent, multi-wavelength photon sources that can be paired with, e.g., the Yb-171(+) ion in a photonic integrated chip for optical sensing, time-keeping, and quantum computing applications. The challenge is to overcome the normal material dispersion exhibited by the otherwise ideal (i.e., low-loss and large-Kerr-coefficient) AlGaN family of materials, as this is a prerequisite for bright-soliton Kerr comb generation. The proposed approach exploits the avoided-crossing phenomenon in coupled waveguides to achieve strong anomalous dispersion in the desired wavelength range. The resulting designs reveal a wide range of dispersion response tunability, which is expected to allow access to the near-UV wavelength regime as well. Numerical simulations of the spatio-temporal evolution of the intra-cavity field under continuous-wave laser pumping confirm that such a structure is capable of generating a broadband blue bright-soliton Kerr frequency comb. The proposed micro-resonator heterostructure is amenable to the current state-of-the-art growth and fabrication methods for AlGaN semiconductors. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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