Accept - Maybe - Decline: Introducing Partial Consent for the Permission-based Access Control Model of Android

SACMAT '20: The 25th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies Barcelona Spain June, 2020(2020)

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The consent to personal data sharing is an integral part of modern access control models on smart devices. This paper examines the possibility of registering conditional consent which could potentially increase trust in data sharing. We introduce an indecisive state of consenting to policies that will enable consumers to evaluate data services before fully committing to their data sharing policies. We address technical, regulatory, social, individual and economic perspectives for inclusion of partial consent within an access control mechanism. Then, we look into the possibilities to integrate it within the access control model of Android by introducing an additional button in the interface--Maybe. This article also presents a design for such implementation and demonstrates feasibility by showcasing a prototype built on Android platform. Our effort is exploratory and aims to shed light on the probable research direction.
Partial consent, Access control, Privacy, Data protection
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