Semantic Role Labeling for Process Recognition Questions


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We consider a 4th grade level question answering task. We focus on a subset involving recognizing instances of physical, biological, and other natural processes. Many processes involve similar entities and are hard to distinguish using simple bag-ofwords representations alone.Simple semantic roles such as Input, Result, and Enabler can often capture the most critical bits of information about processes. Our QA system scores answers by aligning semantic roles in the question against the roles in the knowledge. Empirical evaluation shows that manually generated roles provide a 12% relative improvement in accuracy over a simpler bag-of-words representation. However, automatic role identification is noisy and doesn’t provide gains even with distant supervision and domain adaptation modifications to account for the limited training data. In addition, we conducted an error analysis of the QA system when using the manual roles. We find representational gaps ie, cases where critical information doesn’t fit into any of the current roles, as well as entailment issues that motivate deeper reasoning beyond simple role based alignment for future work.
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