Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Centropomus viridis (Actinopterygii: Perciforms: Centropomidae) in the north coast of Nayarit

Raúl José Tapia Varela,Deivis Samuel Palacios Salgado, Carlos Alberto Romero-Bañuelos, Salvador Ruiz Bernés, Roberto Padilla-Noriega,José Trinidad Nieto Navarro

Acta Universitaria(2020)

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espanolEste estudio plantea dos objetivos: determinar si el crecimiento de hembras y machos de Centropomus viridis es isometrico, y si la pesca comercial cambia la condicion del robalo garabato. La informacion sobre la relacion talla-peso (RTP) es basica para el desarrollo de estrategias de manejo y conservacion del robalo. El analisis de relacion talla-peso y condicion se presenta para la pesqueria del robalo C. viridisen la costa norte de Nayarit. Se realizo un estudio aleatorio longitudinal no experimental. Los datos se obtuvieron durante un periodo de seis anos (2010-2015). Se registro la talla el peso y el sexo de2542 organismos. La RTP de los machos de 2010 a 2015 indico un crecimiento alometrico negativo (p EnglishThis study poses two objectives: to determine whether the growth of females and males of the C. viridisis isometric, and whether the commercial fishing changes the condition of snook. The information regarding the length-weight relationship (LWR) is basic for the development of management strategies and conservation of thewhite snook. The length-weight relationship condition analysis is presented for the snook C. viridisfishery in the north coast of Nayarit. A non-experimental, longitudinal aleatory study was performed. Data was obtained during a six-year period (2010-2015). The weight, total length and sex of 2542 organisms were recorded. The LWR of males from 2010 to 2015 indicated negative allometric growth (p
Length-Weight Relationships
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