Elastic scattering, inelastic excitation, and neutron transfer for 'ANTPOT. 7 'LI' + 'ANTPOT. 120 'SN' at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Vinicius Antonio Bocaline Zagatto, J Lubian, Leandro Romero Gasques,Marcos Aurélio Gonzalez-Alvarez, Luiz Carlos Chamon, José Roberto Brandão de Oliveira, Juan Antonio Alcantara-Nunez, N. H. Medina,Valdir Brunetti Scarduelli, A Freitas, I Padron, Ernesto Silvio Rossi Junior,Julian Marco Barbosa Shorto

Physical Review C(2017)

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Key words
coulomb barrier,neutron transfer,elastic scattering
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