Women Farmer Participation and Its Determinants in Agricultural Training Programmes, for Central Division Fiji

Nividita Varun Chand, Haixia Zheng, Jieying Bi,Ashmit Kumar

Journal of Culture, Society and Development(2020)

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The research is financed by Fiji National University. Grant No. CV 176, Valelelevu, Fiji. Abstract The primary purpose of this paper is to recognise the essential factors that contribute to women farmer involvement in training events which, was used to determine significant independent variables for the five provinces of Central Division Fiji adding to 120 women farmers. The sampling was done in concern with any form of training provided in the agricultural, animal and crop sector alike. Considering the independent variables used to indicate the significant contributing factors influencing women participation in training, Marital status, age, tertiary education, extension services, access to market and the size of owned land played active roles. More interestingly, the variables that played insignificant influencers were the number of family members in the farmer household and the reason for farming. A logit analysis was used to display the results of significant and insignificant determining variables. Thus, the overall understanding of these variables through this study carried out in Fiji can lead to better decision making in regards to training programmes for women farmers and consequently producing positive agricultural development in Fiji which can become an efficient tool for agricultural ministry. Moreover, better agricultural policies for women farmers can be adopted based on their determinants to agricultural involvement. Keywords: Training programmes, women farm, participation, agriculture, gender and Fiji. DOI: 10.7176/JCSD/57-03 Publication date: March 31 st 2020
agricultural training programmes,women,participation
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