Cosmic Rays And Spectral Distortions From Collapsing Textures


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We compute the energy spectrum of photons {and neutrinos} produced by the unwinding of a scaling distribution of cosmic textures, and discuss the implications for the spectrum of high energy cosmic rays, and for CMB spectral distortions. Textures lead to a contribution to the photon flux which scales as E-3 F(E) similar to E-3/2. Hence, the tightest constraints on the texture model come from the highest energies from which primordial photons can reach us without being scattered by the CMB and other foregrounds. Textures lead to both mu type and y type distortions. While the constraints on the texture model coming from the current COBE bounds are weaker than the bounds from the angular power spectrum of the CMB, future surveys such as PIXIE can lead to stronger bounds. The high energy neutrino flux is constrained by data from the Pierre Auger experiment and yields a bound on the energy scale of textures which is competitive with CMB bounds.
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Cosmic strings, domain walls, monopoles, CMBR theory, gamma ray theory
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