Increasing-Margin Adversarial (IMA) Training to Improve Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks


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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial noises. Adversarial training is a general and effective strategy to improve DNN robustness (i.e., accuracy on noisy data) against adversarial noises. However, DNN models trained by the current existing adversarial training methods may have much lower standard accuracy (i.e., accuracy on clean data), compared to the same models trained by the standard method on clean data, and this phenomenon is known as the trade-off between accuracy and robustness and is considered unavoidable. This issue prevents adversarial training from being used in many application domains, such as medical image analysis, as practitioners do not want to sacrifice standard accuracy too much in exchange for adversarial robustness. Our objective is to lift (i.e., alleviate or even avoid) this trade-off between standard accuracy and adversarial robustness for medical image classification and segmentation. We propose a novel adversarial training method, named Increasing-Margin Adversarial (IMA) Training, which is supported by an equilibrium state analysis about the optimality of adversarial training samples. Our method aims to preserve accuracy while improving robustness by generating optimal adversarial training samples. We evaluate our method and the other eight representative methods on six publicly available image datasets corrupted by noises generated by AutoAttack and white-noise attack. Our method achieves the highest adversarial robustness for image classification and segmentation with the smallest reduction in accuracy on clean data. For one of the applications, our method improves both accuracy and robustness. Our study has demonstrated that our method can lift the trade-off between standard accuracy and adversarial robustness for the image classification and segmentation applications.
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Key words
Deep neural networks,Adversarial robustness,Adversarial training,Image classification,Medical image segmentation
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