Effects on Vaginal Microbiota Restoration and Cervical Epithelialization in Positive HPV Patients Undergoing Vaginal Treatment with Carboxy-Methyl-Beta-Glucan.


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Objective. Evaluate the effects of carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan on cervical epithelialization and on the vaginal microbiota in patients with HPV infection or low-grade cervical preneoplastic lesion (CIN 1). Materials and Methods. Seven-hundred eighty-four women with positive HPV tests or diagnosed with CIN 1 were enrolled in a retrospective case-control study. All the recruited women performed, at baseline and after 6 months, Pap test, HPV test, evaluation of vaginal health according to the Amsel criteria, colposcopy, and punch biopsy. The study population was then divided into 2 groups in relation to the therapy performed during the follow-up period. Group A performed treatment with vaginal gel based on carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan (1 application/day for 20 days per month for 3 months). Group B was the control group. Results. The patients of group A had a significant improvement in the ectopia pattern and a greater number of cases with metaplasia in the maturation phase with a significant increase in Lugol uptake. In the experimental group, a significant improvement in the pH indices, a negative Swift test and a resolution of the leucorrhoea were observed. A negative result of the 37.1% Pap test and the 39.9% HPV test (vs. 15.2% and 16.5%, respectively) were demonstrated in the treatment group with respect to the control group. A negativization of the colposcopic pictures was observed with a reduction in the amount of CIN 1 found higher in the treatment group. Conclusions. Vaginal therapy based on carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan has been able to improve overall vaginal health; this effect seemed to positively impact the risk of persistence and progression of CIN.
vaginal microbiota restoration,positive hpv patients,vaginal treatment,cervical epithelialization,carboxy-methyl-beta-glucan
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