Guiding and emission of milijoule single-cycle THz pulse from laser-driven wire-like targets.


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The miscellaneous applications of terahertz have called for an urgent demand of a super intense terahertz source. Here, we demonstrate the capability of femtosecond laser-driven wires as an efficient ultra-intense terahertz source using 700 mJ laser pulses. When focused onto a wire target, coherent THz generation took place in the miniaturized gyrotron-like undulator where emitted electrons move in the radial electric field spontaneously created on wire surface. The single-cycle terahertz pulse generated from the target is measured to be radially polarized with a pulse energy of a few milijoule. By further applying this scheme to a wire-tip target, we show the near field of the 500 nm radius apex could reach up to 90 GV/m. This efficient THz energy generation and intense THz electric field mark a substantial improvement toward ultra-intense terahertz sources. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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