The Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Chromosome 9p21 and CD147 Were Relevant with the Carotid Plaque Risk in Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients Among Chinese Han Population


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This study focused on the relevance between the carotid plaque formation and the single nucleotide polymorphisms of chromosome 9p21 and CD147 in acute non-cardiogenic cerebral infarction. A total of 937 eligible patients were enrolled and categorized into carotid plaque group or non-carotid plaque group. The baseline data was analyzed, and the SNPs of chromosome 9p21 and CD147 were detected. After analyzing the results of clinic data and SNPs, we found that age, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, systolic blood pressure, fasting serum glucose, and NIHSS score are associated with plaque formation. Meanwhile, rs10757274, rs4977574, and rs4919862 existed statistical differences between two groups. We also analyzed linkage disequilibrium, haplotype, and inheritance models of these three SNPs, and drew the ROC curve to assess diagnostic efficiency. The results showed that mutations of SNP rs10757274 and rs4977574 in chromosome 9p21 together with SNP rs4919862 located in gene CD147 were highly relevant with the carotid plague formation in acute cerebral ischemia patients. Compared with single SNP genotype mutation, combined allele mutations on rs10757274 or rs4977574 in chromosome 9p21 with rs4919862 in CD147 resulted in much higher risks of patients, which might be associated with acute cerebral infarction happening.
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Single nucleotide polymorphisms,9p21,CD147,Carotid plaque risk,Acute cerebral infarction
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