II-20: Intelligent and pragmatic analytic categorization of image collections

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics(2021)

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In this paper, we introduce 11-20 (Image Insight 2020), a multimedia analytics approach for analytic categorization of image collections. Advanced visualizations for image collections exist, but they need tight integration with a machine model to support the task of analytic categorization. Directly employing computer vision and interactive learning techniques gravitates towards search. Analytic categorization, however, is not machine classification (the difference between the two is called the pragmatic gap): a human adds/redefines/deletes categories of relevance on the fly to build insight, whereas the machine classifier is rigid and non-adaptive. Analytic categorization that truly brings the user to insight requires a flexible machine model that allows dynamic sliding on the exploration-search axis, as well as semantic interactions: a human thinks about image data mostly in semantic terms. 11-20 brings three major contributions to multimedia analytics on image collections and towards closing the pragmatic gap. Firstly, a new machine model that closely follows the user's interactions and dynamically models her categories of relevance. II-20's machine model, in addition to matching and exceeding the state of the art's ability to produce relevant suggestions, allows the user to dynamically slide on the exploration-search axis without any additional input from her side. Secondly, the dynamic, 1-image-at-a-time Tetris metaphor that synergizes with the model. It allows a well-trained model to analyze the collection by itself with minimal interaction from the user and complements the classic grid metaphor. Thirdly, the fast-forward interaction, allowing the user to harness the model to quickly expand (“fast-forward”) the categories of relevance, expands the multimedia analytics semantic interaction dictionary. Automated experiments show that II-20's machine model outperforms the existing state of the art and also demonstrate the Tetris metaphor's analytic quality. User studies further confirm that II-20 is an intuitive, efficient, and effective multimedia analytics tool.
Multimedia analytics,image data,analytic categorization,pragmatic gap
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