Impact of dispatcher assisted CPR on ROSC rates: A National Cohort Study.

The American journal of emergency medicine(2020)

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INTRODUCTION:Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a leading cause of mortality. Bystander CPR is associated with increased OHCA survival rates. Dispatcher assisted CPR (DA-CPR) increases rates of bystander CPR, shockable rhythm prevalence, and improves ROSC rates. The aim of this article was to quantify and qualify DA-CPR (acceptance/rejection), ROSC, shockable rhythms, and associations between factors as seen in MDA, Israel, during 2018. METHODS:All 2018 OHCA incidents in Israel's national EMS database were studied retrospectively. We identified rates and reasons for DA-CPR acceptance or rejection. Reasons DA-CPR was rejected/non-feasible by caller were categorized into 5 groups. ROSC was the primary outcome. We created two study groups: 1) No DA-CPR (n = 542). 2) DA-CPR & team CPR (n = 1768). RESULTS:DA-CPR was accepted by caller 76.5% of incidents. In group 1, ROSC rates were significantly lower compared to patients in group 2 (12.4% vs. 21.3% p < .001). Group 1 had 12.4% shockable rhythms vs. 17.1% in group 2 (DA-CPR and team CPR). Of the total 369 shockable cases, 42.3% (156) achieved ROSC, in the non-shockable rhythms only 14.8% achieved ROSC. CONCLUSIONS:OHCA victims receiving dispatcher assisted bystander CPR have higher rates of ROSC and more prevalence of shockable rhythms. MDA dispatchers offer DA-CPR and it is accepted 76.5% of the time. MDA patients receiving DA-CPR had higher ROSC rates and more shockable rhythms. MDA's age demographic is high, possibly affecting ROSC and shockable rhythm rates.
OHCA,DA-CPR,Shockable rhythms,ROSC
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