2019 European guidelines on the diagnostics and management of acute pulmonary thromboembolism: the comments from the experts of the Russian Cardiology Society and the Russian Respiratory Society

Arterial’naya Gipertenziya(2020)

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Novel guidelines presented at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology 2019 changed our knowledge on management of the acute pulmonary thromboembolism. They cover the issues of the risk stratification, management strategy in acute phase considering prognostic criteria nad patient’s hemodynamic stability, duration and scheme of the anticoagulation therapy in order to prevent thromboembolism recurrencies, management of patients with malignant tumors and in pregnant women, as well as the diagnostic and treatment approaches in postthrombotic syndrome. In the review, the experts of the Russian Cardiology Society and Russian Respiratory Society discuss the main questions and changes in the Guidelines on the acute pulmonary thromboembolism.
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acute pulmonary thromboembolism,russian cardiology society,russian respiratory society
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